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Share an ISP account or Internet connection with a neighbor, friends, or family. In exchange for this service, offer to routinely do yard work, repairs, or take out their trash.
"Borrow" your neighbors' unprotected wireless connection.
Simply turn on your laptop and search for an unprotected internet
connection. Once you find one, connect to it and you have free internet.
Just don't do any banking or online purchases on that connection
because you're connecting to an unencrypted connection. Please note that
this may be illegal in some areas.
Go to a cafe that provides Wi-Fi to its customers. This has become quite common, so a participating cafĂ© shouldn’t be hard to find.
Go to a public library.
You can usually even use the computers that the library provides,
though bringing your own laptop might be more convenient. Note that you
will have to sign up for a library card first.
Sit in a park somewhere that is surrounded by several houses or apartment buildings and "borrow" their unprotected internet. Keep in mind that you will have to be fairly close to the houses for this to work.
Use a Wi-Fi amplifier, or make one, to increase the strength of unprotected Wi-Fi signals near you. Bring it with you while you travel.
While traveling, look for hotels that provide free Wi-Fi. Many hotels will have Wi-Fi in the lobby if not in the rooms.
Crack a WEP-protected wifi connection. This is definitely illegal and should be done at your
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