5. Monitor CPU and disk usage with iostat
Would you like to know how your hard disks behave? Or how well does your CPU churn? iostat is a utility that reports statistics for CPU and I/O devices on
your system. It can help you identify bottlenecks and mis-tuned kernel parameters, allowing you to boost the
performance of your machine.
Here's a sample run of iostat:
iostat -x 10 10
6. Monitor memory usage with vmstat
vmstat does the similar job, except it works with the virtual
memory statistics. For Windows users, please note the term virtual does not refer to the pagefile, i.e. swap.
It refers to the logical abstraction of memory in kernel, which is then translated into physical addresses.
vmstat reports information about processes, memory, paging, block IO, traps, and CPU activity. Again, it is
very handy for detecting problems with system performance. Here's a sample run of vmstat:
vmstat -x 10 10
7. Combine the power of iostat and vmstat with dstat
dstat aims to replace vmstat, iostat and ifstat combined. It
also offers exporting data into .csv files that can then be analyzed using spreadsheet software. dstat uses a
pleasant color
8. Collect, report or save system activity information with sar
sar is another powerful, versatile system. It is a sort of a jack
o' all trades when it comes to monitoring and logging system activity. sar can be very useful for trying to
analyze strange system problems where normal logs like boot.msg, messages or secure under /var/log do not yield
too much information. sar writes the daily statistics into log files under /var/log/sa. Like we did before, we can monitor CPU utilization, every 2 seconds, 10 times:
sar -u 2 10
9. Create UDP server-client - version 1
Here's something radical: create a small UDP server that listens on a port. Then configure a client to send
information to the server. All this without root access!
Configure server with netcat
netcat is an incredibly powerful utility that can do just about
anything with TCP or UDP connections. It can open connections, listen on ports, scan ports, and much more, all
this with both IPv4 and IPv6.
In our example, we will use it to create a small UDP server on one of the non-service ports. This means we
won't need root access to get it going.
netcat -l -u -p 42000
Configure client
Now we need to configure the client. The big question is how to tell our process to send data to a remote machine, to a UDP port? The answer is quite simple: open a file descriptor that points to the remote server. Here's the actual BASH script that we will use to test our connection:The most interesting bit is the line that starts with exec.
exec 104<> /dev/udp/$1
10. Configure UDP server-client - version 2
The limitation with the exercise above is that we do not control over some of the finer aspects of our connection. Furthermore, the connection is limited to a single end-point. If one client connects, others will be refused. To make things more exciting, we can improve our server. Instead of using netcat, we will write one of our own - in Perl.Perl is a powerful programming language, very flexible, very neat. I must admin I have only recently began dabbling in it, so do not expect any miracles, but here's one way of creating a UDP server in Perl - there are tons of other implementations available, better, smarter, faster, and more elegant.
The code is very simple. First, let's take a look at the entire file and then examine sections of code. Here it is:
use IO::Socket;
$server = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => '50060',
Proto => "udp")
or die "Could not create UDP server on port
$server_port : $@n";
my $datagram;
my $MAXSIZE = 16384; #buffer size
while (my $data=$server->recv($datagram,$MAXSIZE))
print $datagram;
my $logdate=`date +"%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"`;
my $filename="file.$logdate";
print FD $datagram;
The code begins with the standard Perl declaration. If you want extra debugging, you can add the -w flag. If you want to use strict code, then you may also want to add use strict; declaration. I warmly recommend this.
use IO::Socket;
$server = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => '50060',
Proto => "udp")
or die "Could not create UDP server on port
$server_port : $@n";
my $datagram;
my $MAXSIZE = 16384; #buffer size
while (my $data=$server->recv($datagram,$MAXSIZE))
print $datagram;
my $logdate=`date +"%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"`;
my $filename="file.$logdate";
print FD $datagram;
The next important bit is this one:
use IO::Socket;
This one tells Perl to use the IO::Socket object interface. You can also use
IO:Socket::INET specifically for domain sockets. For more information, please check the official Perl documentation.
The next bit is the creation of the socket, i.e. server:
$server = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => '50060',
Proto => "udp")
or die "Could not create UDP server on port
$server_port : $@n";
We are trying to open the local UDP port 50060. If this cannot be done, the script will die with a rather
descriptive message.
Proto => "udp")
or die "Could not create UDP server on port
$server_port : $@n";
Next, we define a variable that will take incoming data (datagram) and the buffer size. The buffer size might be limited by the network implementation or network restrictions on your router/switch or the kernel itself, so some values might not work for you.
And then, we have the server doing some hard work. It prints the data to the screen. But it also creates a log file with a time stamp and prints the data to the file as well.
The beauty of this implementation is that the server permits multiple incoming connections. Of course, you will have to decide how you want to differentiate the data sent by different clients, whether by a message header or using additional IO:Socket:INET objects like PeerAddr.
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